Ready or not,here I go
This is surreal. I am about to hit the “publish” button on my brand new website.
How did I get here?!
My journey to this place is marked by years of growth, endurance, and letting go…with heavy doses of grace and mercy. The course of events over the past several years have created a massive detour in my life. The brain injury marked the beginning of my fight to hang on to who I used to be. After a valiant effort, I lost that fight.
(…I invite you to read my ABOUT page on the website to gain more perspective on my story.)
In losing, I have learned that I have actually won. Not only have I won, I feel like I have triumphed! Yes, I lost so much about what I thought my identity was made of. But, what I gained is immeasurable. I now understand that I never did have control over my life. I also know that it is not about what I’ve done in life…it is about how I exist in life. When I gathered the courage to step into my authentic existence, I discovered my voice through painting. I suddenly understood that I could convey the chaos and confusion inside of me onto a canvas! How did I learn this? I didn’t. I honestly don’t know how I know how to paint. I believe with all my heart that what lands on the canvas and emerges in the final piece are products of God’s massive grace for me and my attempts on how I try to make sense of life.
I am incredibly grateful to God for this detour. My prayer is that as creativity and art continues to heal me, it will also somehow touch hearts and ignite reactions and healing in others. I hope this blog is a space where I can share my heart with you. I’d also love to share the stories behind my art! I am always amazed at how a painting turns out. I approach a blank canvas with no idea about what will emerge. It is exciting and terrifying at the same time.
I humbly present my offerings to the world.
Ready or not, here WE go!